Thursday, February 17, 2011


The first seeds of the 2011 gardening season have been planted here at my not-very-urban homestead.  Ok, it is only a little cup of parsley on the windowsill but still--- the first seeds of the year!  A momentous moment.  I'm hoping to start my leeks this weekend. V moved my grow light set up into the addition so it is all set and out of the kitchen for the remodel.  The real seed starting will begin in March.  We've still got 12 weeks to go before our average last frost.
And speaking of seeds,  this is the last call for the Save the Bees seeds.  I need to get those in the mail so let me know if you want some.  I'll try to contact those who have already indicated they want some.  If you want in, email me.  I'm at gmail and you send it to fullfreezer.  Pretty simple.  Let me know your address and what you want.  I've got Anise hyssop, Bee balm, purple coneflower, clary sage, nasturtium and poppies.  I've got lots of other stuff as well- lots of odds and ends of black flowers from last year's Goth garden as well.

Oh, and the toilet works!!!  Woo Hoo.  It turns out that it was actually the filter in the new septic tank was clogged and draining too slowly.  That's why it would flush sometimes but not after someone took a shower.
I am SO ready for the weekend.  This has been a long week, it seems.  I'm fighting an annoying cold- not one where I feel bad but one with a continuous post-nasal drip that makes me cough.  Blah.
But, the weather has been fabulous!  It was 60 today!!  The snow is almost all melted and the creek is running full.  It is really making me want to get out and work outside- unfortunately it is sloppy muddy at the moment.  sigh...  soon enough... it is only February.


  1. Lucky you! We've had a full week of above freezing temps and there's still a solid 12-18" of snow blanketing my yard and garden. And now the wind is switched to the north and the cold is coming back.

  2. Even my mom said it's been really seasonable up in MN, I bet you are getting a touch of spring fever, too bad it will still be awhile. At least you have a few seeds you can get going in the meantime!

  3. I think just planting inside seeds helps us BELIEVE spring will be coming soon. I'm sure it make one feel better to have PLANTED SOMETHING!! We are going to have our second day of 70 degree weather today. Monday will probably bring a blizzard!lol ...debbie

  4. Ah...the first signs of Spring! ☺ Seeds in the windowsill.

  5. Greetings from Southern California.

    I added myself to follow your blog. You are more than welcome to visit mine and become a follower if you want to.

    God Bless You, ~Ron


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.