Thursday, September 8, 2011

Excitedly busy

I'm frantically busy this evening.  So what am I doing???  Blogging of course.
Tomorrow afternoon V and I board a plane bound for Maryland.  We'll fly into BWI and spend the weekend in Annapolis.  My parents are coming up to stay with the children for the weekend.
I'm just about done packing.  V is picking me up from work at lunchtime Friday and we're heading straight to the airport.  We'll be back Monday night.
We're staying at a the Maryland Inn- a historic inn in Annapolis- built in the late 1700's.  Too cool.  We're hoping to see my sister this weekend as well.  I'm really looking forward to some down time with my honey.
I'm taking my laptop along- we'll see if I make time to post or not.


  1. Have a stupendious weekend!! Glad your getting out of Dodge for some much needed togetherness!!! I leave for the beach at 6 am Sat. Have a great time!...debbie

  2. Have fun! I hope the weather is beautiful for you, I think it will be!


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.