Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ah, November

Where has the year gone?  How can it be November already?  It seems the year is flying by.  But, November it is.  The Dark Days of the year are upon us.  Time to settle in for the long haul of the winter.  Of course, today it was 73 degrees outside and absolutely gorgeous- not at all how I think of November.  I even took a little walk outside.
I collected some Autumn leaves to take to work with me tomorrow.  I have an activity that I do with my patients every year:  Lessons from Leaves.  Try it sometime.
Collect some Autumn leaves (you can also do this in the Spring or Summer with flowers)
Toss them all on the table and examine them.  Really look.
Are they beautiful?
Are they all the same?
Are they perfect?
Do their imperfections in any way detract from their beauty?

Now work to apply the lessons of the leaves to yourself...
We are all bruised, battered and chewed by life.  We are all different.  But it is the imperfections of our lives and our differences that make life interesting. Live would be boring without imperfection and variety.
Revel in the seasons and in who you are.


  1. Excellent points!

    And I LOVED your comment on Mama Pea's post on pie for breakfast.....I do believe it would be a LOT healthier than fast food. Bravo to you!! And hooray for me!!!

  2. It really seems to be going by too fast, I had so many things planned for this fall and winter home-wise, and it seems I haven't even started!


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