Monday, June 20, 2011

Monday check in

Father's Day was grand. We had a lovely afternoon at my brother's house.  My parents were there as were my SIL's parents, her sister and family and two other older couples with grown children.  My brother smoked a couple of pork shoulders and we had pulled pork sandwiches.  Mmmm...  I ended up taking both the kale salad and the strawberry rhubarb sauce.
Yesterday morning K11 and I constructed a temporary run for the chickens.  Of course, we opened the chicken door and they were terrified.  Oh, we got a couple of them to stay out for a few minutes but not long.  This run isn't very secure so we didn't leave the door open for them.  Hopefully I'll be able to get started on the real thing soon.
Last night we had terrible storms again. We lost power for a few hours overnight and had over an inch and a quarter of rain.  More on the way tonight... sigh... so much for having dry weather to spray tomatoes.  I hope they survive the wet weather forecast for the rest of the week.  My parents were complaining that their garden is drowning  They aren't sure they will have anything survive this year.  They have had even more rain than we have.  Actually, except for the weeds that I can't get to because it's too wet to work, my garden isn't looking too bad.  Late, a few things rotting off at the base (I've lost two cabbages, two broccoli plants and I think almost all of my carrots), and some spot on the tomatoes... but the tomatoes and peppers are blooming.  I saw the first blossom on the cucumbers and there are tiny heads of broccoli and cauliflower out there. So, I'm not going to complain.  At least not much...


  1. glad to hear I'm not the only one having no luck with carrots this year. Here's hoping everything drys out soon!

  2. Belated Happy Father's Day to your family! I had about a 4 hour window to spray my tomatoes yesterday, it's their 2nd spraying. It's hard when the weather won't cooperate!

  3. Same weather just stopped raining AGAIN...

    I'm a little concerned about my squash plants, but everything else looks okay so far. I plant in raised beds, so that helps. Good ole lasagna gardening...

    What are you spraying your tomatoes with?

    I have blossoms everywhere, and have eaten a couple of small cukes and some tiny zucchini. A woman herer locally told me the other day she harvested butternut squash. I laughed and said--I don't think so. It must have been tiny crooknecks, My stuff was in earlier than most around these parts, because I started seeds and my raised beds allow me to plant early, rain or no rain.

    Good luck with those rebellious chooks!!

  4. Molly- my carrots are really pathetic.
    Erin- Happy belated Father's Day to you and yours as well! I hope your spraying pays off.
    Akannie- more showers tonight... this pattern is getting old! I've got my strawberries in a raised bed- probably the only reason they aren't rotting on the plants. I'll be spraying a copper mixture on the tomatoes- if we ever have a dry enough day to do it!


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.