Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oops, I nearly forgot!

I had grand plans for working on the coop today when I got home from the day job.  I was going to finish putting up the last few bits of siding and put the hardware cloth over the windows to keep out unwanted guests.  But, none of that got done.  I was reminded today at work that this evening was our girls night out to celebrate my coworker's retirement.  OOPS!  No matter how much I wanted to work on the coop, I wouldn't have missed this for the world.  Having worked closely with this woman for the last sixteen and a half years, I had to be there to wish her all the best... it's probably just as well- it was wicked hot out there again today.  It was still 90 when I was on my way home from dinner around 8 pm!   Fortunately, V took time out today to build the clean out door so at least something got done.  Now I'll just have to work doubly hard tomorrow night.
I did have just enough time when I got home to pick the strawberries. I got probably about a quart.  Of course, it was hard to tell because V was helping me and none of the ones he picked made it into the bowl! I guess he likes them...


  1. Hopefully you will be able to get things done, I see some relief is headed your way - your hot weather is now with me, LOL!

  2. Aaron picked our very first strawberry of the year yesterday and gave me half of it. It was GREAT!! Yum.


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