Friday, July 6, 2012

National Fried Chicken Day!

LOL!!  I had to laugh when I noticed that my punchbowl 'ticker' told me that today is National Fried Chicken Day.  I'm sure my hens would agree with that!  The poor dears.  We've been sure to give them plenty of shade and lots of cold water but they are still miserable.  There is almost nothing more pathetic looking than a panting chicken!
I think 'officially' the temperature hit 102 here today- although the car thermometer briefly read 104 as we were on our way through downtown.   Of course, on our thermometer, it has now cooled to 100!  At 630 pm!
Thankfully, it looks like tomorrow will be our last really bad day as it is only forecast to get into the upper 80's on Sunday- back to much more normal temps.  Sadly, the forecast for rain isn't too promising for the extended 10 days out there.  We are now officially in a 'moderate drought'.  But, I know misery loves company and we're not alone.  I do feel sorry for all the 'real' farmers and market vendors.  My garden, while large, is still small enough that I can water it pretty easily but others can't.  We've got a slim chance for rain (20 - 40%) this weekend so I'll keep my fingers crossed.  What we need is for a nice, cool, gentle 2 day rain to move through the midwest.  Ah... wouldn't that be heavenly....


  1. Every bird is panting out there it seems like! My hens dug holes in our leftover dirt pile (in the shade) and seemed slightly less miserable than in their pen today. Definitely looking forward to Sunday here too, and had the same thought about farmers: so fortunate we can water as needed. Such a strange/scary spring and summer here :|

    1. I'm glad I've been keeping the birdbath filled. It has been a popular spot! The hens have been digging in the roots of a mulberry tree. But they still look pretty miserable.
      It has been such a scary weather year. Makes me fear for the future of our climate.

  2. Yes, you do really need a two-day rain. Or more! Can you believe how high temperatures are staying this summer? How often do any of us get a three digit temperature more than once in a blue moon? Enough already, I say. Actually, we are going to be in big trouble if the farmers in the Midwest don't get some relief in the way of needed moisture.

    1. Considering that we're probably 4 or 5 inches behind- for just the 90 days- we probably do need more than two days. And yes, if we don't get rain soon corn and soybeans prices are going to go through the roof and the price of food and everything else will follow. sigh...

  3. we officially hit 102 too but the cool front came through and it feels so goodddddddddddddd

    1. I'm officially jealous that you've already got the cold front. It was almost 90 here by 830 am. ICK!!

  4. I'm so glad I didn't do chickens this year, I'd be worried sick about them! All my resident doves were trucking around this morning so I did make sure to get the birdbaths filled with some cool water, I hope they took advantage right away because I hate to think what the temp is in the birdbath now at 3 pm!

  5. Oh, we missed National Fried Chicken Day! It sounds so good, served up with some good old fashioned potato salad. You just created our menu for tomorrow. Plenty of time to cook as we are now getting the heat here out west and will be inside more. Chucky, our yellow lab, doesn't like heat - me either! Hope your cool down hits soon there!

  6. Oh the poor chickens. Go to Lowes and get one of those misters you put on the end of your hose!! they are great!...debbie


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