Tuesday, June 5, 2012


Growing up, we always had a cluster of yucca plants growing along the edge of the yard.  They were always fascinating to me and as I grew up, I learned more about them and still think they are fascinating.
When we moved here, Mom and Dad gave us a tiny little yucca plant that I planted by the front gate.  It has been slowly growing away for the past few years.  And this year, it is finally blooming.
 The central flower spike isn't in full bloom yet.
 You can see all the blossoms still left to open.
The flowers are simple, yet elegant little bells.

But, in 'yuck' rather than yucca.  Below is K12's reaction when informed that this summer, like during the school year, there will be no computer or video games during the week.  Oh, what mean parents we are....
Poor thing.  He will have to read books, play outside or otherwise entertain himself.  And both boys were informed that the words "I'm bored" or "There is nothing to do" will be met with lists of things they can do.  Yesterday was a rough start but I think they will survive.


  1. I think they are excellent rules! :)

    1. The poor things. I truly think they had assumed that the summer would be one giant weekend of gaming. During the school year they are only allowed gaming on the weekends. Why should the summer be different??

  2. You must know from experience that is the best thing for your son. I won't have a problem watching my 7 year-old grandson ,wanting to be outside ALL the time ,its just the times he disappears?Now my 16 year old will be getting pt after his knee surgery ,he is slipping backwards in the get physical part,sadly,cus he really really needed it

    1. If we let them, they would play video or computer games 15 hours a day 7 days a week. That will NOT happen.

  3. LOL. My boys had a friend spend the night and he said "I'm bored." They both shushed him and told him not to say that or Mom would have him clean the bathroom! We have that same set up here. :)

    1. Mine know that the "I'm bored" words are forbidden but sometimes they need reminded.

  4. I don't have kids but I whole heartedly agree with your rules!!!! If any of our nieces or nephews stayed with us they would most definetely have the same sort of rules!

    1. These are the rules during the school year. It's just that now they have to find things to do during the day rather than be at school.

  5. Good for you mom!!! Great summer rules. Too many kids these days turning into computer couch potatoes!! Or Iphone junkies!! or Tex message zombies! ...debbie

    1. I had to laugh at the text message thing. All I can say is that it's a good thing we got unlimited texting for all the phones. I15 has suddenly developed an interest in a girl and I think it's pretty mutual since they have been texting each other frequently since school ended. Ah... young love.

  6. Ha! that's a great rule, and I'm having the boys read this post when they get back today so they will know where I got the idea from LOL!!! (when I break it to them that I'm joining the pack!)

  7. I can see what reaction I have to look forward to! Matthew told me the other night that he wanted to go back to school so that he could learn. I guess I better step up the summer programing!

    I've never liked yuccas, but you've made a very good case for getting some!


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