Monday, January 4, 2010

Another goal

See, I said my master list would be a work in progress. I realized today something else that I would like to do this year.
I got home tonight and was going through my mail. There, along with the Seed Saver's Exchange catalogue (ahhh, more garden porn!) was a flier for a free issue of a quilting magazine. sigh. Up until a few years ago, I got several quilting mags and made on numerous quilts. It has been a while since I quilted. Life seems to have gotten in the way. So this year, I want to try to finish at least one quilt. Yet another goal. Of course, this depends on whether or not we get my sewing room finished. You see, I'm supposed to be getting a room in the basement that is to be my sewing room and the spare bedroom- a queen sized futon is excellent for laying out quilt blocks! However, it is only partially framed at the moment- hence the sigh. I have a beautiful queen sized quilt that I have all done but for one block, then I just need to do the sashing and borders. It has been unfinished for about 2 years but is supposed to be for V and my bed. I know exactly where it is packed and I have the backing fabric, batting and everything. I just need to have time and a place to work. I also have several other tops finished and a quilt for J15 that is done except for the binding. Why haven't I finished them? I don't know- like I said, life has gotten in the way and I've been distracted
But, that is my additional goal for the year- to finish at least one quilt.

It's been incredibly cold here, much colder than normal. We have made one decision, though. We need a new thermometer! We never had one outside while we were in town- well, we had one but it disappeared one night- and the only one we have here is one that the previous owners left nailed to one of the porch posts. It has several problems. First, it is small and impossible to see from inside. But an even bigger problem- the lowest it reads is 0!!! And it has been much colder than that recently. Brrr!


  1. Quilting is something I have been wanting to do since 2004, but still haven't done anything about it. Guess I'm just not ready yet. I have material from all my dad's shirts. I want to make a quilt from them. Maybe some day...debbie

  2. Ooooo tooo cold! Good time to pull out that almost finished quilt and work on it. I have a big round thermometer on my porch that I love, you need one you can poke a head out and see easily. Good luck with the new years goals, I am still mulling mine around in my head.

  3. Good idea on the thermometer, get one of those remote jobbies, I can tell in the kitchen whether or not I want to go outside, lol! I hope you get your quilting room, so jealous of that basement! It will look so nice this coming winter with all your preserved garden stuff and quilting projects!

  4. Ack, that's cold! We've not gotten near 0*F yet, but the wind is brutal.
    Quilting seems to fit nicely into the cold weather - a quilt can bring the positive thoughts of increased warmth when its done, right? I did a quilt made from crocheted blocks a couple years ago, and it is great to snuggle under during the coldest days. I hope the basement area comes together quickly for you.

  5. don't you know that when it hits zero you're supposed to declare it too cold to work outside and not care what temp it is ;) ?

  6. I like the "garden porn" saying :-)
    I have done minimal quilting but would love to do more. Stay warm. We are freezing right along with you.

  7. Twice a year a dozen or so girlfriends and I escape to the local Holiday Inn Express for the weekend. I take care of all the arrangements, food, etc, so my room is paid for. I don't make any profit on the deal, but it is SOO worth it. I mentioned it today to a friend whose sister travels 3+hours to spend it here with us...and she said "I can't wait. I am so ready right now!!" It is a good weekend to spread things out (mostly we can all have our own table) and not pick it up for the weekend and not really have anything else to do. March will be our 14th get together. You can just bring a new project or something that needs finished.

  8. I would love to learn how to quilt. Sadly, I don't know how to sew at all. I get so frustrated when I look at a pattern that I end up walking away. My mother-in-law has promised to help me learn, though, so I'm looking forward to that.


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