Thursday, January 14, 2010

Come on...

Hey all you out there in Blogland. Guess what I discovered! Today is National Delurking Day! So, what does that mean, you may ask. It means, if you've been stopping by for a while, leave a comment to say hello.
I love all the people I've been "meeting" over the past year or so. Come on in, I'd like to get to know you. I'll put the kettle on....

ACK- a boxelder bug just landed on my keyboard. Ewww.


  1. Hey there!
    Hadn't said HI in a while, so I thought I'd speak up!
    Hope you're staying warm...

  2. Hi there. I like to drop by now and again and see what you're up to.

  3. sssshhhhh..... in honor of your day, I am lurking, I am not really here....

  4. Happy Delurking Day, Judy! My day isn't complete without stopping in for a visit. Love reading your posts and miss you when you don't! Have a great Friday!!...debbie

  5. Hello! I found your blog a few weeks ago and spent many days reading it from start to finish - very enjoyable read and I now check it daily.

  6. Good Morning and Happy Delurking Day to ya.

  7. I don't lurk, I comment! I used to be at and then I had a minor breakdown and ran out of money and now I'm at For a long time, I didn't read, because of my minor meltdown. ;) But, I'm reading and commenting again!

  8. Judy, email me at and give me your address, I will get the Litchi Tomato seed out to ya!

  9. Hello!

    I drop by weekly ever since I discovered your blog. The first post I read was when you were changing the insulation in your roof. I shuddered at the thought of the critter poo...I've had mice in my attic a couple of years ago. They would come down and gorge on the fruitcake I had in the cold room...eww!

  10. I found your blog yesterday, and went back and started reading it from the beginning. So...I just wanted to say hello, and to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog. And your journey.


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.