Friday, December 3, 2010


Not much going on here under the troll bridge. Work has been busy, as has home. But really, not much going on. So, just a few random reports of the week.
J16 passed her first drive with her instructor. The other student out with her didn't. But, she says she has to parallel park in 4 more weeks so I guess we need to work on that.
On Sunday late afternoon, I13 will begin rehearsals with out church band. Every year they do a special service with holiday selections from Mannheim Steamroller- being Lutherans- the band is called the Wittenberg Steamroller. Musicians from 6th grade and up can play and I13 has been playing as long as he has been allowed. K10 will be able to play next year. It is a fun experience for I13- he gets to play challenging music with people other than just his classmates. Playing with adults has been great for him and it has helped him form some good relationships with some other adults in the congregation.
K10 is busily rehearsing for his first band concert next week. While it will be fun, that first elementary band concert is always just a bit painful.
V has been busy with work, both paid and unpaid. He is currently working on two different freelance jobs which is keeping him busy.
Me, I've been holding my own. I'm a bit frustrated that no one but me ever seems to notice that things need done- like dishes, laundry or vacuuming but, I guess that's what being a Mom is all about...
I'm thoroughly glad that tomorrow is Saturday. I'm hoping to take J16 out driving again. We're forecast to get 1 to 2 inches of snow tonight so I want her to get to drive in it. I'll probably take her down to a local business that is closed on weekends and have her drive around in their parking lot again. It is a huge place with multiple parking lots, drives, stop signs, etc, The perfect place to practice something new without traffic. She's been there before....
While we're out driving, I plan to go off and pick up V's holiday gift. I've decided to get him NOT what he is expecting me to get him. Ha!
Tomorrow evening, V and I are off to dinner at our church. One of our members is a Cordon Bleu certified chef and is preparing a 4 course dinner as a fund raiser. The proceeds will go to help with remodeling/repairs of the campus ministries house next door to the church. As well as a good meal, it will also be a great time socializing with other adults.

See, I said it was all pretty random. Nothing too exciting going on here. Sometimes, that is a good thing.


  1. I know it won't mean much coming from another mom, but I would notice what needs doing and help out LOL! Yes, if we could only instill that in our other family members! We are supposed to have almost an inch of snow tonight - here's the kicker - starts at about 3 am and gone by morning LOL, guess I'll have to pull an all nighter if I want to see it :)

  2. I'm so jealous everyone is getting snow! Oh well. I love your new header photo. It must be of all your birds. :)

  3. Oh those learning-to-drive days!! I remember them well...they flashed by nearly as quickly as the images of my life during my daughter's near misses, ha! ENJOY this time. Suddenly they grow up, are competent, and are ADULTS. Wahhhhhhhh!!! But on the up side, they can pick up a loaf of bread and take the car in for servicing :)


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.