Spring has sprung. Although you couldn't really tell by the weather this morning. We woke to a light dusting of snow and continued flurries. Fortunately it warmed up nicely and turned into a lovely day. I was hoping to get into the garden to do some preliminary tilling this weekend but they're predicting sleet and freezing rain for Friday (FUN!) So, V was using my tiller this afternoon to loosen some soil that the trucks had driven over when they did the septic installation and said that the soil was working up really well. So.... I went out before dinner and tilled up about 2/3 of the garden- I would have done all of it but I didn't get the rest cleaned out very well over the weekend. But- oooo!! REAL playing in the dirt! I was in heaven!
But Spring is springing inside as well: Behold:
Tiny red cabbage and kale seedlings. And below- tomatoes!!I do definitely need a 12 step program for seeds. We had to stop at the home improvement store and they had packets of seeds for nine cents- can you believe that! So, of course, we got a couple. Since my Anaheim chilis didn't germinate well, we got a pack of Numex Big Jim chilis as well as some calendula and forget-me-nots. Then, when we stopped at our local grocery on the way home, they had a Seed Savers Exchange seed display. Since some of my other peppers haven't germinated, I picked up a pack of Bulgarian Carrot peppers and some Tolli's Sweet Italian peppers. Mmmm... So, last night I was starting a few more seeds. Please stop me!!! Of course, I didn't have very good germination on several things and I need seedlings not only for myself, but for Jim and for the plant sale in May. And Roger (my best friend and former garden partner) said he didn't plant any jalapeno seeds this year and could he have a couple... how could I refuse...
And the final sign of spring here-
Yup, the toenail polish came out already.
But I also want to share a wonderful treat that arrived in the mail today.
I was fortunate enough to win a give away hosted by my dear blog buddy Robbyn at The Back Forty
Look what arrived in the mail today.
A fabulous book on perennial vegetables. I've just had a bit of time to flip through it so far but it looks great. I've learned something already- I didn't know that day lilies are edible- oh, I've seen the flowers in edible things before but I would have never thought of eating the fleshy tubers. Supposedly you can eat them like potatoes. Hmmm, they seem a bit small but, OK. Evidently the dried flower buds make an appearance in many Chinese dishes- who would have thought...
Anyway, I can't wait to have more of a chance to read this one.