Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful- part 3

Tonight is a quick post because I've been busy. But that, in and of itself, is something to be thankful for. My job has kept me hopping recently. I am incredibly thankful that I have a job that I love, co-workers whom I adore and who are a pleasure to work with. I get an incredible sense of fulfillment with my work, helping others to overcome the obstacles that life has placed in their ways. It isn't always easy and it isn't always fun, but it is definitely worth it.
We're closing in on Thanksgiving, I'll have more tomorrow to be thankful for.


  1. I'm enjoying this. It's making me step back and realize how much I've got to be grateful for too! You've reminded me of a few things I've kind of taken for granted!
    Have a wonderful holiday, Judy!

  2. That really is something to treasure, so many are not fulfilled by their jobs!


Glad you stopped in. I would love to hear from you.