Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting stuff done- even with extra help

V's mother has been here since Thursday late afternoon.  With her assistance I have been able to get a few things done:

The last of the hot peppers
I had Friday off since I had worked last weekend so I had time to spend with her. She slept in on Friday morning (I haven't been able to sleep past 7 even on weekends for years).  Everyone else was gone by 815 so before she got up I managed to get the last of the hot peppers diced and frozen for making chili this winter.  One of the perks of working at a hospital is that the drug reps come around periodically.  Earlier this year one came through and they always bring goodies advertising their things.  This particular rep brought, among the usual pens and note pads, boxes of disposable non-latex gloves.  All my co-workers were looking at them strangely but I snatched up a box, thinking of all those hot peppers to come later in the summer.  Let me tell you, without gloves, even though you have washed your hands numerous times, taking out your contact lenses is a very intense experience when you have been working on hot peppers.

Apple butter
After my MIL got up and had breakfast (she didn't get up till after 9) she did help me peel and core apples.  I made apple butter in the crock pot.  I didn't have any spiced rum but I did have a bit of blackstrap rum (made with blackstrap molasses) that I added in to the mix.  Turned out great.  I got 4 and over a half pints.  Not too bad for the last of the old apples that really needed used .  I still have a bunch in the fridge and half a basket in the basement that I still need to process.  

We made a run to Kalona to get cheese from the local dairy and pick up a few bulk items.  Also went driving by two different house/acreages that have been advertised.  Not too impressed with either of them.

Today has been spent with preparations for J14's confirmation tomorrow.  We'll be having about 18 people over tomorrow afternoon so I've been baking, slicing and dicing and cleaning for most of the day.  I did manage to get to the farmer's market this morning (with my MIL) and picked up 10 pounds of ground beef, a chicken and some bacon for the freezer and apple cider for tomorrow.  

I've got my market basket soaking to repair (need to get that done) so I have it to report for the  make do and mend challenge.  I did relent and turn up the thermostat to 68 yesterday.  My MIL was wandering around with her shirt, a sweater, one of J14's sweatshirts and my coat (I didn't think it was THAT cold).  She lives in a retirement apartment where she acknowledges that it is over heated so she was really not prepared for 65 in our house.  

Well, need to finish the advance prep for tomorrow.

Peace.  J

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